home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, June 21, 2013 - Page 36 of 83 - << previous page : next page >>
The College Band is listed on the schedule as you enter the Jamboree but it was off by 5 minutes.. the set actually began at 3:25.
The College Band is listed on the schedule as you enter the Jamboree but it was off by 5 minutes.. the set actually began at 3:25. Click to switch to large image view
It was very quiet in the Jamboree area.  The Cast Members near the photo area out numbered the guests.
It was very quiet in the Jamboree area. The Cast Members near the photo area out numbered the guests. Click to switch to large image view
We arrived just in time to see a horse race!
We arrived just in time to see a horse race! Click to switch to large image view